Letter of Recommendations

Letters of Recommendation are an integral part of the application and are not to be viewed as separate or detached items. We can advise which recommendations will make more sense than others so that your overall chances of acceptance are enhanced.

The package consists of:

  • An initial orientation meeting with you to understand your story to date, what you have achieved, what you have not, your future ambitions and goals – in other words, the “big picture”
  • Formulate a strategy, based on your past verifiable achievements to date, to obtain such letters of recommendation that fit within the overall “big picture” above
  • Suggestions for what you should possibly ask the writer of the letter of recommendation so that you not only come out in a good light but fits within the overall admission objectives.
  • If possible, review the Letter of Recommendation before sending it to your university. Sometimes this is NOT possible, and other times it is
  • Dealing with any specific concerns that you may have
Add some depth in your extracurricular activities

Contact our team at Global College Consultancy to start your college admissions journey

Our college admissions experts are here to guide you from where you are to where you should be. Fill out the contact form to get started. 

One of our team members will get back to you within two business days.

1498 Indian Road, Mississauga,
Ontario L5H 1S7.

+1 (647) 465-6224


During this consultation, we are confident that you will:

Get ideas on what actions may be required by you to eventually reach your dream school

Get a specific and precise quote of our services, based on your requirements

Discuss what you need to do next, given your achievements to date